Monday, 6 July 2009

The Imminent False-Flag Terror Attack in the US

"Mark my words. We're going to have ... a generated crisis. Gird your loins."

"Mark my words," Joe Biden told donors at a Seattle fund-raiser Sunday night.

"It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We're about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America”

"Watch. We're going to have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy”
"And he's going to need help . . . to stand with him. Because it's not going to be apparent initially; it's not going to be apparent that we're right”
Joe Biden, US Vice-President

Dick Cheney said “the ultimate threat to the country” is “a 9/11-type event where the terrorists are armed with something much more dangerous than an airline ticket and a box cutter – a nuclear weapon or a biological agent of some kind” that is deployed in the middle of an American city
“That’s the one that would involve the deaths of perhaps hundreds of thousands of people, and the one you have to spend a hell of a lot of time guarding against,” he said.

“I think there’s a high probability of such an attempt. Whether or not they can pull it off depends whether or not we keep in place policies that have allowed us to defeat all further attempts, since 9/11, to launch mass-casualty attacks against the United States”


The Nazis set fire to their own parliament, the Reichstag, and blamed that fire on others. The Reichstag fire was the watershed event which justified Hitler's seizure of power and suspension of liberties.

"If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy." U.S President James Madison 1751-1836

When ?.....

Expect something BIG to happen soon.

The evil powers that be who carry out all these false-flag operations (9/11, 7/7 and all the others) are obsessed with numerology. It is also part of their 'marketing' strategy for the false 'war on terror'.

Why the date 9/11 ? - well , because the number 911 is the number Americans dial in an emergency, hence they associate 911 with an emergency. It therefore makes the date memorable and always associated with an 'emergency' - in this case America under 'attack' - when in fact they attacked their own people, precisely to justify going to war on some very poor, but strategically , and natural resource important nations.

Similarly London's '7/7' - chosen as an easily memorable date for the 'sheeple' to remember and associate in their minds with being under attack by muslims.

For historical examples of false-flag attacks there are many, but probably the most important was the Gulf of Tonkin incident where America claimed their ships had been attacked by the North Vietnamese. This allowed President Johnson to launch the Vietnam war without having to get the Senate to approve it, on the premise that America had been attacked. Within a year Johnson admitted that the Gulf of Tonkin attacks hadn't happened, but this was now irrelevant as America was now in a war - a war that cost millions of lives.

Watch carefully what they do next, and be aware, when the next '9/11' happens, 1) who has done it, 2) why they have done it & 3) what they do next in 'reaction' to being 'attacked'

Note what David Icke said well :

“The plan is to engineer events, real and staged, that will create enormous fear in the countdown years to 2012. This includes a plan to start a third world war either by stimulating the Muslim world into a Holy War against the West or by using China to cause global conflict. Maybe both.”
David Icke - The Biggest Secret 1998.